Eureka G-Code


Reduce machine setup time by up to 80% verifying your ISO programs in Eureka G-Code

The setup of a swiss-type machine and prove out of G-code programs can be a very long and costly process with a negative impact on production times, time-to-market and profitability.

With Eureka G-Code you can reduce machine setup time by up to 80%. In Eureka you can simulate and verify all ISO programs created either manually or post-processed from a CAM system.

You can also modify ISO programs to prevent damage and optimize cycle time.

Complete simulation of swiss-type machines

Machine setup in Eureka G-Code

In Eureka you can change the setup of a swiss-type machine by checking collisions on the computer and easily find the optimal position of the tools.


Tools regulation like the whirling tool can take up valuable time on the machine. With Eureka you can test all the adjustments and verify the final result on your computer, without taking the real machine out of production.

Improve cycle time

Eureka G-code simulates the actual G-code regardless of how it was created, either manually, or post processed from a CAM Program. 

With Eureka G-code you can simulate, or emulate, all controller codes, including macros, parameters and constructor cycle variables