The new version is available for the entire Eureka product suite
Eureka G-code > G-code program simulation
Eureka Chronos > G-code program optimization
Eureka Robot > Off-line programming of anthropomorphic robots
Eureka10 introduces a window dedicated to the visualization of the blank being processed. The representation of the blank is highly precise allowing you to appreciate and measure any detail, such as a tiny hole on a very large piece, or steps left by a milling pass.
Eureka10 includes a window dedicated to the history of the tools loaded during machining. For each loaded tool, a summary is shown with the most important information. Through the print command it is possible to export a complete report in PDF format.
A snapshot of the simulation represents the state of the simulation at a certain time, including the state of the stock being processed. Eureka10 allows you to save a snapshot of the simulation and reload it later to restore the simulation status stored in the snapshot. With this new feature, it's possible to save the partial state of a long simulation in progress and then continue working on it at a later time.
The new “Quick check" command allows you to quickly test the program with the aim of identifying syntax errors, limit switches, errors in tool or subroutine calls, and more, but without running a complete simulation. By enabling the “Pre-analysis", the quick check is systematically performed before starting a new simulation, also collecting a series of data that allow, for example, the estimation of the execution time.
The new version of Eureka Cloud transforms every PC in the network into a computing resource for simulation. Pending simulations are sorted to available agents and run simultaneously. The number of simulations that can be run in parallel is limited only by the number of Eureka licenses available. The new version supports integration with Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Interfaces developed and supported directly by Roboris:
EDGECAM 2021.1, FeatureCAM 2021, PowerMill 2021, Fusion 360 2021, HSMWorks 2021, hyperMILL 2021.1 SP1, ESPRIT 2020, ESPRIT TNG 2021, TDM Global Line 2020, WinTool 2019.1, ZOLLER 2020, CoroPlus Tool Library.
Other interfaces developed by third parties:
ALPHACAM, CAMWorks, TopSolid, SolidCam, CATIA V5, Go2CAM, SIEMENS NX 10 e NX 1863, Speroni, Mastercam, CosCom, ZW3D, Sum3D, VISI, GibbsCAM, Cimatron, RTM.
Eureka Chronos algorithms have been further improved based on customer feedback and new options have been added to make the optimization process even more automatic and efficient.
Version 10 of Eureka Robot supports Siemens Sinumerik Run MyRobot, the latest Panasonic robots and CNC kinematics in various configurations, including gantry machines with revolver head. In addition, new strategies have been introduced for the interpolation of the combined external axes and for the control of the tool direction. Eureka Robot also extends the slicing functions for additive machining with 5-axis machines and anthropomorphic robots for WAAM, LMD and FFF processes and interfaces perfectly with specialized CAMs such as hyperMILL for complex subtractive, additive or hybrid machining.