Estimate how much you can save
with Eureka Chronos

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using Eureka Chronos

Eureka Chronos

Insert your data and find out how much you could save using Eureka Chronos, our CNC feedrate optimization software.

* The following values are based on feedback received from our customers using Eureka Chronos. The average processing time saved is 15%. Enter your values to estimate your saving using Eureka Chronos

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Reduce machining time and reduce your tool costs by optimizing cutting conditions

Thanks to a sophisticated digital-twin of the material removal process and to an innovative method patented by Roboris, Eureka automatically optimizes the cutting conditions of the tools by modulating the feed rate to reduce the cycle time, increase the life time of the tool, decrease the stress on the machine axes and improve the consumption of electrical energy.

Accurate, reliable and interfaceable

Eureka Virtual Machining is a suite of products for verification, simulation and optimization of NC machine tools and robots, developed by Roboris. Eureka simulates the actual G-code regardless of how it was created, either manually, or post processed from a CAM Program.

Thanks to the interfaces available for the major CAD/CAM systems and the main tools of tools it is possible to transfer raw, finished equipment, programs and, above all, the tools in a few clicks.

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Eureka G-Code simulates the actual G-code regardless of how it was created, either manually, or post processed from a CAM Program. Eureka performs simulation based on a highly accurate and reliable “digital twin” of the machine tool and CNC controller.

The majority of CAM programs simulations do not consider macros, subroutines and cycles. The CAM simulation doesn’t consider the “machine zero", axis strokes, or the management of multi-heads and do not manage multi-heads, machines with more than 5-axes and also probing routines.

Find the best set-up on Pc
With Eureka G-Code you can reduce machine setup time by up to 80%. In Eureka you can simulate and verify all ISO programs without taking the real machine out of production.
Avoid the risk of collision
Programming errors are often the cause of collisions and damage. The result is wasted programming hours, damage of expensive workpieces, tools breaking and collisions with machine parts such as the spindle.
Save your money
Star saving your money using a perfect digital twin of your real machine


Eureka Virtual Machining allows you to have a digital replica of the machine on your PC and allows you to:

Eliminate machining test
Avoid risk of damages
Reduce set-up time
Improve the quality of products
Reduce processing waste
Reduce tools costs

Some of the applications of Eureka G-Code

Hydraulics and valve component production

Machining large parts 

Mold sector

Swiss-type machines


Partner & Customers

Our customers range from small mechanical workshops to multinational companies in automotive, aerospace and many other sectors

The presence of Roboris in 5 continents, the ability to customize the product at 360 ° and a high quality technical support allows us to establish a true long-term partnership with our customers that guarantees to get the best from the Eureka Virtual Machining suite.

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